the cursor with a small cross with four arrows

I have Corel X5.  I have the standard cursor which an arrow pointing upward to the left.  When I select some things the cursor picks them and I can drag them and the cursor stays an arrow.

When I pick other things the cursor turns into a cross with four arrows and as i try to select and drag it turns into a small cross with small arrows but i can't select what i want.  What is happening?

  • Hello steve; I use the Cross all the time for a cursor for everything..........( I like it better.) You can select what you want in Windows for a cuirsor.


    • I don't mean the cross hair that extends to the sides and top and bottom limits of the window. Instead I mean the small cross. The default standard small arrow cursor changes to a small cross or (X rotated 45 degrees) with very small arrows on the four ends of the two small lines that make the cross.