How come there are no shortcut key when using the path tool to cut around an image. In other words I am using the path tool to trace a complex bitmap so that I can remove the background. In Draw while using the pen tool if you hit the C Button it will go into Cusp mode etc. It seems I have to make a loose trace and come back to individual nodes and readjust them to in order to make an accutrate trace( Ex: tracing around hair etc.)
Does anyone know if there is a way to get the short cut keys used in Draw to work in PP.
Thank you
One tool you can try and experiment with is the magnetic mask tool -- read about it in your Photo Paint Help page.
Yes, Thank you. I am very familiar with the tools. I just don't find any of them as fine tuned as they could be. Have a path tool lets you be very specific so when you convert that path int a mask it becomes a specific cutout. I just wish I didn't have to go back to the nodes and readjust the ones I want readjusted. I am trying to move away from Photoshop since I use Draw for all my vectorl layout design work. It does make it easy to launch A bitmap into PP nad then back to Draw. In both Draw & Photoshop you can use a path/pen tool and click away as you go along with the ability to cusp and get around very precise artrwork without having to readjust all the nodes(except for the ones you want to readjust)
Anyway I just though there might be some short cut keys I could have used while doing my trace(the majic wand is too general, it is good if you have a solid color background, clip art, bigh simple shapes) It is not refined enough...yet
My recommendation would be to do this in CorelDraw. Use your familiar tool and shortcuts to trace the image with a CorelDraw shape on top of the bitmap. When you have traced to your satisfaction, PowerClip the bitmap inside the CorelDraw shape and you are there.
Thank you! I believe you are correct. Ashame I can utilze PP as much as I would like. look forward to the day when you can easily manipuate all the individual layers within the layers docker to accomplish realistic bevels, drop shadows, strokes for text etc. I love Corel Draw I just find PP very lacking. They make the videos look like 123... it is far from 123. There is a lot of clean up in PP and the tools are not very precise. I tried tweaking the magnetic tool and as far as I am concerned it is useless. I don't say these things to offend the product I just don't enjoy PP too much. I have actually had 4 of my Sign Business associates switch to Draw because of it's ease of use, tools and printability to large format printers and we are all happy with our decision to leave Illustrator and go to Draw. Photoshop seems to still be the program for professional photo editing and layer handling of of high end graphics.
Thank you for your input.