Does Exporting PNG via Photo Paint X5 Alter Permissions-Security?

Hi I have an issue with Editing and Saving PNG files for use with HTML.

I have PNG files made with PhotoPaint X3 that are linked to in IMG tags or as a background-images in CSS Style sheets. When I open and edit them with X5 the permissions or security changes on the files.  If I drop the saved file into a browser the PNG displays fine but opening the HTML or PNG file directly via //localhost naming doesn't work. So I think the IIS Network User doesn't have rights to display the image.

This happens on Windows XP SP3 and on Windows 7 Pro x64. Have I installed it wrong? Is there a setting somewhere or is there a new security model implemented with Corel X5.  This happens when creating new content and when saving over existing PNGs.

Any Solutions? Anyone else with the same issue?

EDIT (8 Jul 2010) - In posts below I have tested a few things and in summary, Corel PHOTOPAINT X5 does not preserve existing permissions on files.  On saving over or creating new PNG files for example permissions for Everyone and Users are not written to file. Saving over image files in IIS Inetpub folders changes their permissions making them inaccessible via iis requests.  This is on Windows 7 x64 Pro, (A toshiba laptop with OEM configured install) and a home made Windows XP SP3, my own OEM install.  I don't know if this was the intended file management behaviour but it has slowed me down. And it is different to Corel 10 and Corel X3 which I was using in the past.

EDIT (22 July 2014) - This post relates mostly to Windows Internet Information Server (IIS) folders under C:\inetpub\wwwroot but other windows folders with awkward permissions may suffer the same problems. In windows with IIS installed the INETPUB folders are where you can place HTML files and Image files like PNG, JPG, GIF etc. For IIS to correctly serve these files in a browser - over an HTTP connection - the IUSR and IIS_USER windows users - or some ungodly combination of windows IIS accounts - need to be added to those images and files. Copying already finished images into INETPUB folders via a windows copy-paste operation adds the right IIS users to the files. Editing those images with X5 from the INETPUB folders doesn't preserve the IIS users on Save.

Bottomline - Rob's workaround does the trick!


No Data
  • After 4 years finally figured how to get permission to be saved correctly when editing a file in a folder located in your inetpub folder. I'm using Windows 8.1 but should work in older versions of Windows.

    1. Go to your User folder Usually: C:/users/<username>

    2. Show hidden folders then go to AppData/ local/

    3. right click the temp folder select properties

    4. click security tab

    5. click Edit button then Add button then Advanced button then Find Now button

    6. Add IUSER and IIS_USER get both groups full control.

    When you save a file in Corel it takes a copy from the temp folder and renames it and places it in the folder you're editing from in inetpub.

    In Windows if the file is copied it is given the minimum permission. By adding additional groups to the temp folder the permission will be preserved when saved in Corel.


    Case closed. Finally.
