Bugs list (big and small, crash or error) for PP X5

This thread is continued from:


... but is intended to be PP specific.  It's a list for Corel bug fixers... one place for them to easily find many bugs... big or small, crash/freezing or just wrong GUI stuff.  This is not intended to be a wants list, but obviously sometimes there's overlap... one person's wish is another person's GUI bug.  This thread will probably be boring reading for most of us, but hopefully this will efficiently help the bug-finding and bug-fixing process.  Hopefully you can be as specific as possible about the circumstances of what you were doing when the problem occured, but I know from personal experience that some of the crash/freeze problems just happen or are around all the time.


I'll start it off with a few itty bitty new ones.

- Make the popup text the same for icons as they're called in the customization/commands dialog

    -eg. "Fit in Window" is a zoom command, and it's popup text says "Zoom to fit" - which imho is a good name... fit to window should be changed

     -eg. "Initiate cutout tool" is not the cutout tool being started... it's the "cutout lab"

- The zoom 25% command is using the zoom 33 icon.

- when you hold L on a pallete colour to bring up the super cool hue popup colour picker box (which is great), don't force the user to pick a colour with Left-mouse (for foreground in PP) if you accidentally drag the mouse (with L button still down) into the popup... if the user goes out of the popup with L held down, let them release without a choice being registered, and keep the popup open so the user can use L or R to pick.

   - this colour picker kinda-bug (sorta) is also a wish/bug for Draw (for fill and outline instead), but I've been told that it's better to separate the threads for better communication.

Here's to a better PP and Graphics Suite X5.Beer

No Data
  • - at different zoom levels, the outside area (overscroll area) changes form light to dark... this is bad because (at least on my reasonably quick computer), when you zoom using the mouse wheel, you get a dark grey and then light grey flicker effect.  It's very brief, but adds to the feeling that the software isn't solid.  Make the outside area one colour... and make it a changeable option... so the user can choose to work light on dark or vise versa.

    - when you crop to colour when you're zoomed in, the refresh doesn't work correctly for the background area (it goes the dark shade)

    - *maybe* (as an option) make the brush use XOR on the brush's outline so you can see it over chaotic textures.  When I'm drawing on some textures, I can't see the brush.

    - the drawing utensils need to be able to have shortcuts set for them.  Everything else can... even obscure icons/actions.  The basics should definitley be able to link up to a shortcut key... eg. brush, airbrush, pencil, pen, marker, etc.  I'm not even talking customized brushes (which also need to be shortcutable)... I'm talking the basic drawing tools.  This also includes smear, smudge, and all the other specific "effect" tools.  This is a no-brainer.  You don't primarily use the program to do "pen and ink"... you're smudging, smearing, cloning, and using the different brush tools... Clone is shortcutable... the others should be too.  It's common sense.

    - have a way to disable the "masks will not be saved in this format" message when you're working with jpgs and other basic raster formats.  It's annoying and completely unnecessary the thousandth time... make it a dialog that can be disabled?
