Layout 3x4 cm

I need print 9 photo id's in brazilian format 3x4cm in a sheet  10x15cm whith 1,5cm border in both sides what i make a new layout? or edit a exist layout in photopaint?


I make this with the picture pack in photoshop but I need calculete manualy

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  • Hi Vitor,

    I think I am misunderstanding you, but if you are wanting to fit 9 images on a 10cm x 15cm sheet then it is physically impossible. Maybe you were just mentioning that you need 9 images altogether, but not on one sheet?

    To answer your question though, you have 2 choices:

    1. open a single 3cm x 4cm image in Photo-Paint and then when you go to Print, choose the correct paper size (10cm x 15cm) and use the Imposition Tool to choose how many copies of the image you want on a page and set the margins/gutters; or
    2. Create a template in CorelDraw and import one image. Duplicate it so you have the number of images you need for the template and then print "as is", obviously choosing the correct paper size in printer settings.

    If you have a 1.5cm border all around then you can fit 6 images on a sheet if the images touch one another, top to bottom. If you want spacing in between then you can only have 4 on a sheet. I have made a template for you (attached) with 6 on a sheet; modify it to your needs. The grey squares in my template are purely for aligning your photos to; they are on a non-printable and locked layer. Just align your images to those rectangles.

    Best regards,


    10cm x 15cm placeholder for 3cm x 4cm images.cdr
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