how to resize a photo correctly

I want to know how to resize a photo without loosing quality....... in the image resize box the is a check box that says maintain file size ......what does that do .

I have tried to resize using it and the file stays the same as the original.

Thanks for any advice


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  • mike Rawlinson said:
    in the image resize box the is a check box that says maintain file size ......what does that do .


    Ir should be changed to say maintain pixel count as that is what it does.

    With Photo-PAINT you can change pixel count or you can maintain resolution and change physical size or you can change physical size and resolution.

    If the unit of measurement is pixels and you want to change pixel coount just change them. but unchek the maintian image size

    If you have the maintian box checked you can if using a measure other than pixels change physical size and the resolution goes up or down.

    With a unit of measurement other than pixels you can change physical size and maintain resolution by unchecking the maintain image size.

