Corel Photopaint X5 Crashes on Robust PC

I've seen this topic before, but nobody seems to have solved the issue. I'm in PPT doing any number of operations when the program decides to crash and I get the transparent Overlay of Death.

This has happened while applying effects, adjusting brightness, you name it -- including when I am simply saving a file.

Sometimes, it "kinda crashes" -- like when I go to Save and no thumbnails appear in a folder filled with JPGs, only the names of the files. Or in the JPG preview pane, all I see is a black box where the preview should be. Or when I go to save and there is no Save button.

I was having these problems before, on my older Dell XPS system running Vista. But I recently upgraded to a Dell Optiplex desktop with a screaming 4th gen i7 processor, 32Gb RAM and dual SSDs. I shouldn't have these kinds of issues. What can I do to fix the problem?

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