God save the Corel!

Is there any chance to implement a working tool for missing fonts (win7)?

Or should we arrange some fundraising for "Font Expert plugin 4 Corel" development ?

Best to all!

Corel user still alive! 

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  • RunFlaCruiser said:

    Ability to dismiss it would be nice. I'm running 1508 fonts without any issues at all. In this day the computers, as they are very powerful relatively compared to such a short time ago, the limit should be increased. CorelDraw should be tested and optimized to run with a new max recommended limit of fonts especially if it ever becomes a 64 bit version.


    Which would leave the folks who run machines less powerful than yours - where? Stick out tongue

    But they're still Corel customers, and increasing the limit so they can practice poor housekeeping like you do doesn't really seem like a wise business choice. That's why they give us FontNav, so we don't have to keep 1508 fonts loaded.


  • RunFlaCruiser said:

    Ability to dismiss it would be nice. I'm running 1508 fonts without any issues at all. In this day the computers, as they are very powerful relatively compared to such a short time ago, the limit should be increased. CorelDraw should be tested and optimized to run with a new max recommended limit of fonts especially if it ever becomes a 64 bit version.



    I know people that works with more than 2000 installed fonts without problem, but this is not a good advice for all people. Some days ago, I helped a user who have problems of speed, crashes, and fonts (the auto-install fonts sometimes doesn't work, propmt for install the font but the font is missing). I checked the system, and I found more than 1800 installed fonts. So, I uninstall almost all, I only keep 20 fonts, restart the conmputer and all problems are gone. CorelDRAW was faster again, the auto-install fonts works fine, and there's no more problems. This is not the first case, that was a common problem, and unistall fonts impreves the speed and stability of the program (on XP, Win7 32 and 64 bits) .  On other computer, no only CorelRAW, almost all programs turn slow, and after a clean up and reduce the font list to less than 400, the speed return again. Of course, it's not the only reason and/or the only solution of problems, but if a font manager advice for install more than 1000 fonts, I don't see it as an error. Perhaps we need an option for disable this warning only. But what I ask is for the "problems" and "defects" that made FontNav useless. Too much fonts seems a Windows issue, not a FontNav limit (try to install more than 3000 fonts without FontNav and see the difference of performance). 

    I know that FontNav doesn't change since the past century, and need a new release (or a new Corel Font Manager), and also we knows issues like compatibilty with some type1 fonts