Transparent PNG Export

Im sure there must be something im missing here with the PNG export settings. I like the way the new export window appears but I cant figure out how to export from Draw to a PNG with a transparent matte of a color picked color.

How I did it in X4 was to chose to export to PNG, and when the window appeared to select a color for the transparent area, a color picker was used. Whatever I do with X5, i cant do it :/

Ive checked out the help files but I still cant figure it out... but im sure its something im not doing correctly.


No Data
  • wrote in message
    > Im sure there must be something im missing here with the PNG export
    > settings. I like the way the new export window appears but I cant figure
    > out how to export from Draw to a PNG with a transparent matte of a color
    > picked color.
    > How I did it in X4 was to chose to export to PNG, and when the window
    > appeared to select a color for the transparent area, a color picker was
    > used. Whatever I do with X5, i cant do it :/

    Andy, why are you selecting a single color for transparency (like a GIF
    transparency) instead of "full transparency?"

    Getting a transparent PNG out of Draw is very easy (and I've had great
    results from it)... just select your object, hit ctrl-e to export it out,
    select the PNG format, check transparent background, and when the dialog
    comes up and asks for a color or a mask (which I will admit is misleading),
    choose Mask. I always put a "bounding box" of my own around an object but
    that's because I hate it when an image with a transparent background butts
    up against the file edge - it always makes me wonder if something got cut

    I will make a "box" the exact size that I will use online and then place the
    object I want to use on top of that box, making sure that I give myself a
    bit of breathing room on all sides... then make sure the "box" has no
    outline and no fill color, group the items together and export out. Attached
    is a sample.