Transparent PNG Export

Im sure there must be something im missing here with the PNG export settings. I like the way the new export window appears but I cant figure out how to export from Draw to a PNG with a transparent matte of a color picked color.

How I did it in X4 was to chose to export to PNG, and when the window appeared to select a color for the transparent area, a color picker was used. Whatever I do with X5, i cant do it :/

Ive checked out the help files but I still cant figure it out... but im sure its something im not doing correctly.


  • Andy,
    I've not done a lot of testing with PNG export from Draw X5, but I know it is horribly broken from PHOTO-PAINT X5. Not a day goes by where I don't mask something in PHOTO-PAINT for export to a transparent GIF. It works great in X4, it is a confirmed bug in X5. I'm guessing you have something related. Of course you can now select an object in PHOTO-PAINT and it will export as transparent to PNG which didn't work in X4. One step forward, one step backwards.
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