Has anyone noticed that X screws up color when exporting to PDF?

When you export a file to PDF for prepress the CYMK values do not stay correct. Try a spot color and check values in Corel, export to PDF prepress. Open in Photoshop or Paint and check values. They are no longer correct!! This works fine in X4 and makes X5 pretty useless for commercial printing.

  • I was having major color issues in X5 myself but seem to have solved them so I thought I would share:

    I downloaded and installed the free Adobe Color Engine for Windows. (recommended by another user on this forum)

    The rendering intents in CorelDraw don't seem to be working the way I thought they should work. I almost always used Absolute since it gave the most accrate color for commercial printing, but when I use it in X5, my whites don't stay white and go to gray or yellow depending on my color profiles selected.

    Image of my X5 color settings that seem to be working like a charm:

    The one function that is still MISSING is being able to export 8-bit Paletted JPEGs. This option has disappeared in X5s new .jpg Export Dialog.


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