CorelDRAW file In Corel Presentation

Hey there, im hoping im writing this in the right place, im aware that many people here may not have Corel Presentations and might not relate to my problem but I dont have an account on so its worth a shot.

I recently purchased Corel Wordperfect Offine X5 to make Corel Presentations. I have CorelDraw X6 and I figured that both programs would be compatible, so I started making great looking background images to import into Presentations, everything worked great. Later on I made a logo on Draw and tried to open it on Presentations (X5). The weird thing is, a white background was added to my image (previously had no background, everything but the logo should be transparent) and the colors of the image (but not the letters) is distorted and looks unatural. If I double click the distorted image (On presentations), the edit box appears and the image is normal again, but only until I exit edit mode. It's weird because i've been importing images from Draw and this is the only one that changed the original colours. Furthermore, i've been importing images from AutoCad as well and no backgrounds are being added, so im thinking this might be an error on CorelDraw's end.

From here it looks like my image has the white background in draw but I assure you, I have removed it. I also grouped the layers together, so I dont understand why the white background is not surrounding the text as well, its all in one piece.

Its not a big deal and il leave it as is if I have to, but on the other hand, it would look a lot more professional if anybody could help me find a solution for this (considering my actual logo should be on every page of the slide).

Thanks alot


  • Hi Jesse,

    What file format did you did you save or export as, and have you tried to export as a png. format.


    • I'm not a WordPerfect user, but might be able to suggest something if you can explain a bit more about the method it uses. Is WP using your CDR file directly, or are you exporting to another format and importing that?

      If you are exporting, then try re-importing your export file into CorelDraw and placing it in front of a dark background to see if the problem is in the export file.

      If WP is working direct from the CDR file, then what is different about this particular image compared with others that have worked ?

      • I have tried to export as a PNG. and its the same problem. To give a little more information, in the screenshots that I posted, I was directly using the CDR file but i've also tried saving under many of formats and have had the same problem.

        I may have found the source of the white background, I put the image infront of a dark background like you said and only part of the image has the background, which leads me believe that only one layer has the white background, after I find it, I could remove it, but that still doesnt explain why the colors get changed. The other images that I have used on WP have been the CDR file as well, so I dont understand why the others weren't affected.



        Alright, so it looks like you were both right, I just fixed my image and was able to Export it as a PNG and the background is now transparent, the reason it didnt work the first time is because I didnt completly remove the white background on DRAW. I was able to import the image and the colours also look like the original, they are only affected when I import the CDR file.

        However the background is still there when I open the PNG on Presentation, so I kept looking and when I exported the PNG using the "Export for office" option (it shows the preview with transparent background). The first box is labelled: Export to Microsoft Office. When I change this to: Export to Wordperfect Office (the preview shows the image with white background). So it looks like this is a problem due to compatibility (which is weird for two Corel programs).

        Oh well, All in all, I really appreaciate the help, this was driving me crazy. At least now I could continue with the important aspects of my presentation without wasting time lol.

        Thanks alot!
