Need macros and should pay money for that. Please help

hi I need macros for the below items.

1) Random CMYK Fill apply - I should assign shortcut for this

2) Random CMYK Outline Fill apply - I should assign shortcut for this

3) Random Gradient Fill apply - I should assign shortcut for this

4) Random Vector pattern Fill apply - I should assign shortcut for this  (option to select the desired folder to get it randomly)

5) Random Bitmap Fill apply - I should assign shortcut for this (option to select the desired folder to get it randomly)

6) Random texture fill (option to select the desired folder to get it randomly)

Similarly for the Transparency

Any help is appreciated.  Please consider for less money i am just an employee of the company.  Been looking for the above list, but nothing is happening

for the years in coreldraw versions.  Everything needs to be selected.  Nails walk.  I want this more faster by observing it in different ways and thus by coming 

to conclusion.

Thanking you all



  • In today's digital age, the demand for macros - especially in the realm of productivity and automation - has surged dramatically. However, it's essential to recognize the value and effort invested in developing these tools. While there are free options available, many advanced macros tailored to specific needs often require substantial expertise and time investment, justifying the need for compensation. Asking for payment reflects the recognition of the skill and effort of developers, ensuring sustainability and quality in the long run. It's akin to commissioning a bespoke service that delivers tailored solutions.

    In a parallel discourse, considering the burgeoning interest in cryptocurrencies, the topic of cost to start a crypto exchange adds another layer of complexity. The development of such platforms demands intricate coding, robust security measures, and compliance with regulatory standards, all of which require significant financial investment. Hence, the expectation of remuneration for macros aligns with the broader economic principles governing specialized services. Ultimately, while seeking assistance, it's crucial to acknowledge the value proposition and be prepared to invest in solutions that meet specific needs effectively.