Did Corel change the design/layout of the Open Drawing dialog box compared to X4?
See my X4 screen capture.
The open dialogue is implemented as a standard Windows file picker. Therefore what you see there is mainly dependent on the version of windows that you are using, rather then the version of CorelDraw.
Because of this, it also depends on how you use it -- you can have detailed view like you show, or thumbnails, tiles or any other view that windows supports.
SO what about this? Here is a capture of the Open Drawing box in the same Win 7 OS but with X6 (trial). Why are they so different? What happened to my Favorites?
Looks like your upload is missing, so I can't comment on that yet. But here's my X6.4 running on win 7:
As you see, favourites are right at the top of the list.
I still don't see how my open drawing is like this even in windows 7 64 bit.
installed CorelDraw X6.1 trial (tested at home with bought version 6.4 with same results)
see attached.
A quick guess, because I cannot try anything at the moment -- but that looks a bit like an XP screen to me.
Are you running in XP compatibility mode?
I can confirm that the "Open" dialog is relative to Windows. Seems that you're using the old Classic Theme or Windows, try to change the Windows Theme under Control Panel