how to create business card mockup

Hi Guys!

I'm new here so please help me step by step thanks in advanced.

my question is how to create business card realistic mockup like below image in corel draw.


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  • Hello Osman; My input to business cards is to make a Templet for the card or what ever you are going to print. ( Screen shot of the templet I use below.) I make all the cards we do in CorelDRAW and out source to a printing co. in PDF format and use a CMYK color palette. there are a Lot of places you can get to do your printing, it is important to pick one that can match your colors, not all can or will.
      Jeff that posted above has a web site that is loaded with macros that can help you do all kinds of things, be sure to take a look, and he sends out a news letter out by email about Corel that is Free that you can sign up for that has a Lot of Good info about Corel.


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