menu bar text missing


Just installed X6 onto a new computer (Windows 10) and the menu bar is missing, or rather the bar is white. The menus are there and become visible if you pass your cursor over them but otherwise can't be seen.

I've tried Right click/customise/reset to default - no joy.

 Thanks, Colin

  • did you ever get an answer? Having the same problem.
    • Make sure you have the latest update for X6. Update 4 + hotfix.

      If that doesn't help, I'm pretty sure I have seen an answer to this in another thread.
      Do a search for it and hopefully you'll find alternative solutions.

      • Hi
        I did eventually get an answer but it was a few years back and I was on Windows 7 at the time, and to my shame, I've forgotten! I'm pretty sure it had something to do with contrast settings (Corel's) - most likely in Options. The items aren't actually missing but coloured white and so don't show on the background. My X6 menu bar background went black with the items still white after doing whatever I did.
        I'm on Windows 10 now (new PC) and curiously I didn't experience the problem when I re-installed X6 (by disc) even though I hadn't taken any updates at the time and didn't import the work space. I only installed it to take the upgrade to X8.
        Sorry that probably didn't help much
      • For anybody who runs across this issue, to solve it

        - 1) Go to

        - 2) Install the Updates and the HotFix1

        You should be all set and your menu visible