CoreldrawX6 - Windows 10 - Uninstalled now can't Reinstall

Hi guys

I struggled for ages having purchased and installed Corel Graphics Suite X6 and put up with the disappearance of the menu line. Menu legend only appeared as I hovered the mouse over them.

I know many others have suffered the same problems. I've read and tried countless fixes without success and it seems Corel Corporation don't give a damn!

So this Christmas holiday period I thought I'd uninstall Coreldraw graphics Suite X6 and reinstall in an attempt to rectify the issue. A dramatic course of action you might think but, as Corel Corp have taken little or no interest in resolving the problem for their paying customers, I thought it worth a go.

I uninstalled the software from 'Programs & Features' and in the order suggested. Following a reboot of my computer I inserted the DVD installation disk in my computer and commenced the re installation.

What a damn nightmare this turned out to be!

Here are some of the errors appearing:

1. Despite uninstalling Corel correctly and ensuring there are no Corel folders appearing in Program Files the installation wants to carry out a 'Repair' or 'Modify' I allow a repair to take place and after the language packs have been installed - about the 40% mark, I receive the following error:

I've attempted to navigate to the file but still no use.

The final message I receive is this:

I've tried numerous ways to install the software but without success.

It's no wonder people resort to pirated software when support is so poor.

Menu line disappeared and no official resolution

Un-installation and re-installation fails.

Many users have posted about these issues and no help from Corel.

You may get the impression that I'm pi**ed, you're right.

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  • I have been using Geek uninstaller for a few years now, google will find it, uninstalls then gives the option of checking the registry and removing stuff. works really well for me, perhaps uninstall x6 with this may help with reinstall.