need help but situation has multiple challenges

i want to do indexing in my designs but sometime design has 10 pages sometime 100 and sometime its 500

i will wrote indexing according to the pages for example i have 10 pages book and now i have wrote all the index example are below











now i will create a box of 15mm X10mm height box with a cut mark of 2 mm in bottom right of the box and

add all text to box according to the box for example 1st index in top 1st box, 2nd index in 2nd box etc.

now i group all box with index.

now i have 10 box with index grouped.

now i move them to the bottom right  side according to the series

last step i paste 1 by 1 on different pages. 1st index on 1st page, 2nd on 2nd page and soo on

just like this i want macro

Parents Reply
  • paraggoyal said:

    Sub text_paras_to_rectangles()
    Dim sr1 As ShapeRange
    Dim sr2 As ShapeRange
    Dim para_count As Long
    Dim counter_1 As Long
    Dim s2 As Shape
    Dim tr As TextRange

        Optimization = True
        ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "text paras to rectangles"
        EventsEnabled = False
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        Set sr1 = ActiveSelection.Shapes.FindShapes(, cdrRectangleShape)
        If sr1.Count = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No rectangles were found in the selection."
        GoTo ExitSub
        End If
        Set sr2 = ActiveSelection.Shapes.FindShapes(, cdrTextShape)
        If sr2.Count = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No text shape was found in the selection."
            GoTo ExitSub
            If sr2.Count > 1 Then
                MsgBox "More than one text shape was found in the selection."
                GoTo ExitSub
            End If
        End If
        para_count = sr2(1).Text.Story.Paragraphs.Count
        If para_count <> sr1.Count Then
            MsgBox "Number of paragraphs (" & para_count & ") in the selection does not match the number of rectangles (" & sr1.Count & ") in the selection."
            GoTo ExitSub
        End If
        sr1.Sort ">"
        For counter_1 = 1 To para_count
            Set tr = sr2(1).Text.Story.Paragraphs(counter_1)
            Set s2 = ActiveDocument.ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, tr.Text, , , tr.Font, tr.Size, tr.Bold, tr.Italic, tr.Underline)
            s2.Fill = tr.Fill
            s2.CenterX = sr1(counter_1).CenterX
            s2.CenterY = sr1(counter_1).CenterY
        Next counter_1

        Optimization = False
        EventsEnabled = True
        Exit Sub

        MsgBox "Error occurred: " & Err.Description
        Resume ExitSub
    End Sub

    Select the paragraph text shape and all of the boxes, then run the macro.

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