can ANYONE help or relate? I use corel x6 64 bit with windows 7 pro. comp is alienware aurora r4 intel i7-3820 3.60GHz, 16 gb ram... so power should not be an issue here. problem is... corel draw crashes A LOT. I lose HOURS of work at times because the file becomes corrupt. it has NOT saved even though I am manually saving. it has not backed-up files even though set for every 10 minutes. I have worked for hours on designs, saving occasionally, and it backing up every 10 minutes, then when it finally crashes... NOTHING was saved since where I was with the file HOURS before. back-up did nothing, and saving manually was doing nothing. reboot, redo all my work. YAY!

Next... CorelDraw x6 crashes A LOT(in case ya didn't catch that the first time). sometimes WHILE saving, crashes, corrupting file, more lost work, time, and hair! corel will crash while drawing a simple line. it will crash on yours and it will crash on mine. whether 20 pages or just one, one more click and it is done. corrupt files left and right, start all night. insanity is close...its on its way. is it just one more click, or maybe one more day. have no pattern to where it goes wrong, its just been happening for way too long. just when you think the job is done, ya click to save, back to step one.

if anyone else has advice or actually admits they have this problem, has a solution, knows a guy that might know a guy that might know whats wrong, or has legal advice for my insanity plea, please let me know. please don't just say update to x7. if corel will admit there was a problem, and say it was fixed for 7, then it would be a start. so far, "it just me". thanks!

guess I will redo my lost work in the morning!

No Data
  • Hello D cubed; I used X6 for over two years, With out a saving problem that I had not caused myself. With the computer you have I would not think it is a hardware problem. Maybe the way you have things setup? Try cleaning out the Temp files, ( if you need help with that just say so.) Look at what's running in Windows at start up, and see if there's things that you don't need or want. Look at the fonts that you have loaded to see how many are in the Windows/Fonts dir. you may want to move some and use Font Nav. that comes with the X6 package.
      What I do is as soon as I've drawn the first line I save the file to a TEMP dir. giving it a name and every 3 or 4 min. I press the Ctrl+S keys to save the file, and when I'm finished with the file I'll save it to where it's should be stored. then once a week I go to the TEMP dir. and delete all the drawings there IF I know they were saved in the right place. Don't forget to clean and defrag the hard Drives unless you have a SSD.
      I do use X7 most of the time now with no problems either.

    Good Luck, George
