I'm using Corel Draw X7.3.0.772. My Connect docker and tray are both empty/blank/void, and neither seems to offer an option to bring any content into them. There are no content options and no display options - no options whatsoever; merely blank/void space in both the docker and the tray. This is the first time I've tried using Connect since the 7.3 update. What might be going on?
Do you have this setup button in the top right corner:
Also look at the little man icon to the right of it. Is it red or green?
Harry - I do not have to gear icon in the corner, but I do have the little man and his color is green, which I take to confirm the text associated with that icon, that I am properly signed in to my premium membership.
Tony, here is a screen grab with the Connect docker open and its tray "open" but empty.
Thanks to both of you for your interest.