Corel Connect docker and tray are blank

I'm using Corel Draw X7.3.0.772. My Connect docker and tray are both empty/blank/void, and neither seems to offer an option to bring any content into them. There are no content options and no display options - no options whatsoever; merely blank/void space in both the docker and the tray. This is the first time I've tried using Connect since the 7.3 update. What might be going on?

  • Do you have this setup button in the top right corner:

    Also look at the little man icon to the right of it. Is it red or green?

    • Can you post a screen grab of the CONNECT UI so we can get a better sense of what you are seeing?

      • Harry - I do not have to gear icon in the corner, but I do have the little man and his color is green, which I take to confirm the text associated with that icon, that I am properly signed in to my premium membership.

        Tony, here is a screen grab with the Connect docker open and its tray "open" but empty.

        Thanks to both of you for your interest.