Workspace background in PPX7

Two questions/concerns regarding PPX7...I cannot find answers in the online Help.

1. Is there a way to make the workspace background darker? It's almost white (sampled the color and it's R240-G240-B240) It makes it EXTREMELY hard to see. Whether working on photos are starting an image with a white background I want my workspace darker, please. Ideally, I am hoping there is a way I can choose???

2. I have checked the box for Automatic View Resize. If I un-dock the tabbed image/window, I assume the window should resize as I zoom in/out. It's not working. I also cannot manually resize the window. The arrow come up if I hover over the window edge, but it will not let me resize the window.


P.S. I love the new X7 Fill properties!!!! Haven't explored them totally, mind you, but so far I like what I see.

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