CorelDRAW and Backup Files. Whats up with them...

I always get this files in with my production files. and I have specified under the Save Options to save them in the Temp folder, I tried to create a folder and tell it to save them there... and I still get then where ever my original file was. can some one tell me the trick to getting this to stop?

Parents Reply
  • Very strange that you don't get any autobackup files. And you say you have tried specifying a different location?
    Try using the default location (Temporary folder).

    Apart from that, Autobackup should not be used as a substitute for ordinary saves.
    If you have lost one hour's work because you haven't saved, you need to reconsider your workflow.

    Edit: FYI, I tried both the default location as well as to direct it to a network folder, and both gave me the expected "AUTOBACKUP_OF_..." file.
    Check the setting in Options > Workspace > Save and specify a location. Set the time to a low value, say 1 minute.
    Close and reopen Draw to make sure the settings take, open the specified folder and make a change in an open file.
    Leave it for the specified time span and check the folder to see if the "AUTOBACKUP_OF_" file appears.
