I'm wondering when Corel is going to fix all the issues in x7. I've downloaded/installed the first patch, but saw no improvements. Things I used to do hundreds of times a day, each in a simple step, now takes me many steps for each change.
Biggest problems:
CTRL+R - the information in the status bar / property bars do not properly show new fills/outlines/outline properties. As a screenprint artist, this makes my job painstakingly difficult to not be able to use that repeat shortcut.
the shortcut I made for file, export for.... won't work. This also makes it very clumsy exporting pics for the web, when I used to be able to do it effortlessly
I can no longer choose shades of my spot colors from my color pallet as I used to be able to in X5. I have to now open the object property docker or color fill docker to do so. Again, very clumsy.
I've set and reset my default graphic outline. When I click on a color to assign an outline, it's always hairline, and I have to change it to my default thickness. What a pain.
This is just off the top of my head....
Has anyone else found these problems, and have you found quicker work arounds?
Hello kben; Some things that may help you, are for the colors you can look at the bottom of the screen ( screen shot attached ) to see your coloring the red circle is over the Proof colors. For color fills you couyld use the Smart Fill or Interactive fill tool. And you may have to rewrite your macto's to work in X7.
I Hope That's Some Help, George
Thanks for the reply George. Unfortunately, turning on proof colors doesn't help. I did find that if I copy properties from, and then use ctrl+R, it will read correctly, which is still easier than opening up a docker, and clicking on each curve, then go to the docker, repeat ad nausium. I just wish it would work correctly.
Patience. There are a number of issues that have been identified. All the ones you mention too. I do believe that it's crucial we all point things out as we find them even if it's repetitive. I'm confident that when the next patch comes out most of these will be fixed.
I hope so. I'm a long time CD user, and terribly set in my ways!!! Thanks for the feedback.