Crop Marks

Hello guys

Does anyone knows if there is a way to change the thickness and the size of the crop marks from the print preview?



  • There's no way to do it with the standard Corel cropmarks.

    But I think there may be some third party macros that generate crop marks as part of the file, and they might possibly have that option. Or, because the cropmarks become file objects, you would be able to edit them afterwards.

  • Marios Charalambous said:

    change the thickness and the size of the crop marks

    What thickness and what lenght you are looking for?


    EDIT: Do you mean change as attached?

    • You can change the crop marks, but only for printing, not for the print preview.

      Attached sample pdf - crop marks changed - longer and thicker (permanent change).

      Bets regards


      • The thinner the crop marks are, the more accurate the cuts will be.

        • suku said:

          The thinner the crop marks are, the more accurate the cuts will be.

          Dear Suku

          If they are too thin, sometimes the crops do not show when instead of plates or films a tracing paper is used




          • Marios Charalambous said:

            If they are too thin, sometimes the crops do not show when instead of plates or films a tracing paper is used


            True. You are right.

            I use my own custom designed crop/registration marks rather than depend on the default CorelDRAW ones.


          • Mek said:

            You can change the crop marks, but only for printing, not for the print preview.

            Attached sample pdf - crop marks changed - longer and thicker (permanent change).

            Bets regards



            Dear Mek

            How did you do that?



            • Dear Marios,

              change of crop marks length and thickness in X5 (also done on ver.11)

              Find file –  X5 on XP - C:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5\Data

              1. open for editing - e.g. in Notepad (Don’t forget to make copy of original file before editing)

              2. find following section

              @crop{@gs{[1.6 1.6]0 setdash}if 10 div/$croplen xd .3 w 0 @smc Tl rotate 0
              0 m 0 $croplen neg rl stroke @gr}bd

              3. length of marks - change 10 to another value – less values  = longer marks, e.g.
              Value      Crop length in mm
              10            8,467
              8.467        10
              1              84,667
              4. thickness of marks - change value .3 to another value – greater value = thicker marks, e.g.
              Value      Crop thickness in mm
              .3              0,106
              .566           0,200
              1               0,353
              5. save file

              Then values for crop marks changed.

              Best regards,
