Is there a quick way to join two curves into one shape?

I need to do this a lot... I need to draw in two shapes and make a single object out of them.

Anyway, due to the way I draw (freehand) I usually prefer to do this as two separate curves rather than as one continuous curve.

What normally happens if I use "auto close" is that it closes both black curves separately via the red curves. which is what I don't usually want (sometimes I do want that, but not always).

I'd like to be able to close the curves via the blue curves.I'm not usually worried about the shape of the closing curve, because it normally gets hidden behind another object. So a straight line is ok (even preferable as it's simpler). I have tried combining the curves and all sorts of things. The funny thing is, I vaguely remember seeing a little icon for closing two separate curves just like what I am asking here (unless it was another piece of software and I am completely mistaken).

What normally happens if I use the "join" command on the top two nodes (say) is that is that the existing nodes on the two black curves move to the middle of the blue dotted line, and the blue line is not drawn in for me... but I'd like to keep the perimeter shape.

Hoping you guys & girls can help!



  • Actually, I have just solved my own problem (sort of). I had the gap tolerance set too low. I mistakenly thought this had to be a small number (like with 3D software). So the gap tolerance had to be at least as long as the blue dotted line...

    But is there a separate icon for each type of join operation? Or better yet, is it possible to assign a shortcut key to each of these actions? ... to the chamfer option for example?
    • Starting with the two independent black curves, here's what I would do:

      • Select both curves, then "combine".
        • The visible geometry doesn't change, but they are now one "curve" in CorelDraw terminology.

      • With this curve selected, choose the freehand drawing tool.

      • Draw the two straight line segments (where you show blue dotted lines in your drawing).
        • As I get the pointer close to each target node, I see the "auto-join" icon appear before I click.
        • The new segments are added automatically as part of the same curve.
        • Joining is done automatically; the resulting curve is closed.

      This also works fine if one uses the "2-Point Line" tool instead of the "Freehand" tool to draw the straight segments.

      • the Eskimo suggestion is right, I could add also that there was an option for automatically select two nodes and extend to auto-close