With respect to vector objects, I believe quite a few of these menu items were functional in the previous version.
Maybe someone could confirm which items are no longer functional.
Ariel you're correct they are active as vectors. Who would ever use this? Better off if you shoot yourself in the foot at least that may heal.
Case in point.
Both of these are nearly identical. The first uses +80 L from the HSL slider. The second on uses 80% transparency. The resultant PDF has no transparency on page one, there is transparency on page two. Which would you rather rip?
I would think not and it they did it should be tagged as non print use only.
I only have one system with X6 all the rest have X8, my wife has X5 and it's none of them. I have no idea but a vague memory of a post about losing the feature a long time ago. A real messy way to adjust color.
As far as I know these were originally image tools never intended for vector color, incorrectly brought into Draw and active for vectors.