A couple of recent threads got me thinking about some aspects of layer management. The issue in this thread has to do with inconvenience when moving layers using the Object Manager when one is working with enough layers that they don't all fit within the Object Manager window, and the additional inconvenience of being able to move only one layer at a time.
I've written a macro to try to make this sort of thing easier. In addition to being able to move one or more layers at a time - as far as one wishes - it also has the ability to delete one or more layers at a time.
When this macro is used, operations are always carried out on the active document. Operations that involve page layers are always carried out on the active page.
For the screenshots shown here, the active document is one in which the page layers are named "Layer 1", "Layer 2", etc. and the master layers are named "ML 1", "ML 2", etc.
Just launched, it starts on the "Move Page Layers" page of the userform.
This is the same page of the userform, but with Layer 2, Layer 4, and Layer 7 selected for moving, and with Layer 9 selected as the reference layer:
This is how it looks after clicking the "Move Above Reference" button:
The second page of the userform functions similarly, but for master layers:
The third page of the userform is used for deleting layers.
No guarantees are provided here, but for those who want to try it, here's a ZIP file with the macro in it. It also includes a simple icon that I use to help me identify it when I put it on a command bar in CorelDraw.
Move Layers.zip
I would welcome feedback from those who use this macro. It works fine for me in X7 and X8.
looks good Eskimo could you develop this macro with some addition functionality easy?
corelvekta said:looks good Eskimo could you develop this macro with some addition functionality easy?
What additional functionality would you like to see?
Hi Eskimo I'm potentially interested to create new pages and new files (or export types) based on structured layer selections. I'll download your tool and then my ideas might get a bit more defined.