CorelDRAW X8 is a huge disappointment.

Yay! A bunch of features that are neat but do nothing to expand possibilities.  There is still  no vector feathering which is available in ALL other design packages.   No Interactive fillet/chamer/scallop tools for any shape regardless of whether it has been converted to curves.   Bevel tool still sucks!  But hey we have new ugly icons.   And, we get to pay an extra $100 for the privilege.

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  • I just got a comment saying: "how can I say that after all it's only been out for a few hours?" Although that is correct, I have been using CorelDRAW since version 4 -not x4 but 4- professionally so I don't need more than a few hours to see what is new and what hasn't been touched. I like some of the improvements but they would be really really low on my priority list as compared to many other things that I'd like to see enhanced, fixed or added. I LOVE CorelDRAW a lot and will continue to use the program but I can't see many reasons to upgrade. However, I do like the new dark interface which is something I was hoping to see.

    I also understand the need to offer scaling for 4k displays and I agree that this needed to be done but for those who use a standard 1080p resolution the program offers almost nothing to compel an upgrade. The new tools like Gaussian blur drop shadow or the new knife are nice but for professionals who know the program fairly well these offer very little enhancement and no new capabilities.