Exporting Fonts

Hello All,

We are having issues exporting fonts, without completely overwriting the .ttf file.

We Have 24 fonts where we have each font on its own page.

Page 1: We run the export as TTF function. It works as designed. It creates a *.ttf file that we can open and view the single font in.

Next, Page 2: We have page 2 selected, and run the export TTF function again. Right away, it says that the *.ttf file already exists and asks if we want to overwrite it. So, with no other option, we say "yes". The usual dialogs come up and it asks is we want to update the font file. We say "yes". The export runs. 

The issue is that it completely overwrites the file and erases the original. Basically, only a single font can be loaded in the file.

We need all 24 fonts to be loaded into the TTF file.

Please advise....


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  • Any issue on this problem? I have same trouble.
    As I checked community - same was claimed with CorelDraw X4 !!!
    How long will it take for Corel to make some solution? It is already 9 (NINE!!) years since that!
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