Publishing to PDF in Corel Suite x8

Hi, I'm new here and have a question about layers in Corel Suite X8.  I have a document that has images and fonts.  I converted the fonts to curves and then published to PDF.  The problem I am having is that some of the images overlap, but I cannot see them in advance, so don't know how to correct it.  I sent the file to a printer and he had areas that were blocked out, due to overlapping of layers.  I have used Corel for years and never had this problem before.  Is there a way to view it before to see if anything is overlapping?  Also, how do I "flatten" the image, like I would in Photoshop?  When I open if Photoshop, it opens on a transparent background so I can see where the issues might be.   When I opened the file in Photoshop I can see the areas of overlap, and can then flatten the image, but I'm sure there is a way to do it in Corel.  Sorry for the long-winded post but I'm very discouraged right now.  I use Corel, but admit I am not exactly a pro!

  • The pdf will be what is on the page. So I am not understanding the bit about not seeing what you get in the pdf versus what you see in CD.

    You don't need to publish to pdf with layers. Use a pdf/x profile and there won't be layers automatically.

    Beyond that, without seeing the pdf it's hard to say what is going on.

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