simple way to see / change status of Snaps

This may have been discussed before, but if it has, I'm unaware of it.

I find that I often wish to temporarily enable or disable different types of snaps, alignment guides, or dynamic guides, depending on what I'm doing at any particular time on a job. Before toggling any of these, I have to know what the current status is. Less frequently, I want to change the specific features that are in effect for object snaps.

It only recently occurred to me that what I wanted could be had by simply putting the appropriate buttons on a Command Bar:

I appreciate that the buttons not only toggle the snaps or guides, but also serve as at-a-glance indicators of status. In the snip shown above, "Snap to objects" and "Alignment guides" are both active.

Similar buttons are available for some other snap types, too. The ones shown above are just the ones I use the most.

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