Is there a command to quickly delete everything that is NOT selected? Inverse delete?

Some other programs have this: deleting everything that is not selected and/or hiding everything that is not selected.

I frequently need to do this when presenting my final ideas and making a 'final' document. I need to delete all the draft objects and keep just a few of the final objects.

What I have to do right now is either:

  • select every single thing (except the objects that I want to keep) and delete those together. Which is more effort than it should be if there are hundreds of objects all over the place...
  • select the object that I want to keep, cut it into memory (ctrl-x), select everything else by pressing ctrl-a, delete all that stuff with del key, and bring back the objects I want to keep with paste (ctrl-v).

Does CorelDraw have a command like this?
If not, can you please make one? Please!

It would cut the number of commands from three or four right down to one single command!

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