EPS PDF export issues

No changes to the PC, the OS or Corel Draw that I am aware of.

I'm running windows 7, with updates OFF as far as I know.

I've been plugging away for some time now with no issues.

Came into work today, opened a drawing from yesterday and exported

it to EPS to open in VersaWorks to run a few prints for some coro-plast signs.

When I opened the file in VW the outside dimensions were correct, but the elements

of the drawing within those dimensions were changed.

I've tried poking around with export options with no luck.

Changing the size of the page within Draw changes the size of the elements

within the outside dimensions, but doesn't fix anything.

Having similar but not the same problem with PDF exports.

I'm basically dead in the water right now, unable to print any jobs

that can't be done as a jpg.

FWIW... Corel won't import the files it exported any better than VW does.
Usually upon completion of the import... the drawing remains empty.

I found my installer files and ran the install fix tool from there but it didn't help.

Any suggestions would be great.

I'm going to poke around on the internet for a few minutes to see if there's any kind of obvious

fix for this, but if I can't find one, I guess I'll reinstall the Corel Draw Suite.

NOT what I had planned for my afternoon.... I had plans that would have put a dollar

in my pocket, and now I'm watching it go down the drain.

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  • Most likely there is something specific in this file (or did you say "any file"?) that makes the export filter go bananas.
    PDF is usually better and safer than EPS, in my opinion, but you say you had already tried PDF?

    If you need to get this out and don't have time to play around, convert it to a suitable bitmap and print from it instead.
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