macro copy/paste one object coordinates and angle to another object

I need a macro that copies the angle and coordinates of one object and applies it to another object. I found on the Internet a similar macro and edited it for my task. It works only if you select both objects and run the macro. I want to change it a little, but I do not have the necessary skills.
I need the following algorithm:
1) Run the macro
2) Click on the first object
3) Click on the second object
4) The macro performs its work


Here is the macro:

Sub MyAngle()
Dim s1 As Shape, s2 As Shape
Dim x As Double, y As Double

Set s1 = ActiveShape 'Select first shape
s1.GetPositionEx cdrCenter, x, y

Set s2 = ActiveShape 'Select second shape

s2.SetPositionEx cdrCenter, x, y 'Move first shape to second shape position
s2.RotationAngle = s1.RotationAngle 'Set first shape angle as second shape angle
s1.Delete 'Delete first shape
End Sub

No Data
  • For simple macros, it can be convenient to work with the active selection range, and use the order of selection to identify the objects in that selection range.

    The first item in the shaperange is the last one selected, so to use this code one would:

    1. select the object that is to be rotated/moved

    2. select the object that is being used as the reference for the rotation/position

    3. run the macro

    Sub whatever()
    Dim s1 As Shape
    Dim s2 As Shape
        Set s1 = ActiveSelectionRange(1)
        Set s2 = ActiveSelectionRange(2)
        s2.RotationAngle = s1.RotationAngle
        s2.CenterX = s1.CenterX
        s2.CenterY = s1.CenterY
    End Sub