save settings when export / color mode shortcut?

This question is a two-parter

i work primarily in CMYK but when I need to send through whatsapp or email a proof, I need to change to RGB so it can be read correctly

I have a few options that i employ.

1. snipping tool screen shot - quick and dirty. not so clear

2. export for web - slow and sometimes crashes if size is too big.

3.  export - fast, options can't be selected unless it shows a dialog box as export for web.

now when I export for web the settings save. But when I export the settings never save and the color defaults to document color mode. i want to either a) save settings of export or set as default however the case may be or b) find a shortcut for changing the document color-mode to RGB/CMYK instead of changing it in layout options/general.

  • now when I export for web the settings save. But when I export the settings never save and the color defaults to document color mode. i want to either a) save settings of export or set as default however the case may be

    As an option using standard capabilities within CorelDRAW, you could try saving one or more "presets" to be able to quickly recall your preferred settings for a given type of export:

    For PNG export, the preset seems to be "sticky"; when I come back later and do the same type of export, the preset that I used before is loaded. For JPG export, it seems that I have to select the preset each time.

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