help weird expanding file

I made a simple border image and exported it to svg for my customer. It is 3" x 2.187" yet when she opens it, it is 33.33" x 24.30"

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  • I THINK that the problem is Cricut doesn't like any units other than pixels.  If you export an svg and look in the raw svg text and see  width="5.07737in" height="2.66539in" or something, you will notice it is in inches.  This I think is were the Design Space software chokes.  I don't have a Cricut and can't test.  At some point I had the software installed and working just to test for some other people, but have done something to make it not launch now, (I think I disabled some start up service.)  I bet if on the CorelDraw export svg screen you changed it to px for pixels, then Design Space would deal with it better.  It should look something like width="1523px" height="800px" in the svg file.
