2017 workspace into X8?

Is it possible to import a workspace made on 2017 into X8?  A work around perhaps?  Thanks.

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  • If I export a workspace from 2018 - with only a single, simple Toolbar specified for the export - I find that the resulting .CDWS file is not recognized by X8 as being a valid workspace file.

    The only workaround that comes to my mind is manually editing the workspace.xml file using a text editor (a .CDWS workspace file is a ZIP archive, and workspace.xml is one of the files in that archive). For some specific types of workspace customization, e.g., adding or removing Commands from menus, I've done that sort of editing.

    That's only good for some aspects of workspace customization, and it's not user-friendly.

    Are there specific aspects of your workspace that you want to take from 2017 to X8?
