file sizes are so large

How can I keep file sizes from being so large?

I have a project going on right now and cannot understand why the file size is so large. I have 3 pages with one image on each page.

Page 1: jpg image is 105 kb
Page 2 jpg image is 167 kb
Page 3 jpg image is 105 kb

Total file size is: 12,638 kb

How is this possible??

thank you in advance for any help!

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  • Page 1: jpg image is 105 kb

    Remember that JPG is a compressed file. The file, closed and compressed, is 105 Kb size. More or less file compression will change the file size. But if you open the JPG (with Photoshop, PhotoPaint, PaintShopPro, etc) you could see the uncompressed file size. It could be 8 Mb or bigger 

    When you import the file, the JPG becomes a uncompressed bitmap. If you use internal file compression (ZIP) it will much less compression than the JPG

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