Object fill, empty space filling with lines?

Dear Community, hope you all having a great morning,

I am very new to Coreldraw, I am trying to fill the image with lines,

the attached image below is an example, I want the empty space filling up with thin lines, this is for my CNC project,

If anybody can help me with this project will be much appreciated.

Thank you so much!

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  • For this image, the most simple and fast way is to take one of the pen tools (F5 takes the freehand tool ut you can choose another if you want) and manually draw the image. Since it's siymmetrical, you can draw half branch, duplicate as mirror, combine, then duplicate and rotate. I made a fast sample using different colors, but you should combine all and join nodes on each angle. An alternative way is to use the Smart fill after made all sides, but you should make sure that all angles are "closed" because if any angle is open the smart fill tool doesn't work

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