Yes, another Coreldraw X8 crashing question. Visual Basics for Applications popping up on start and locks things up

About a week ago I started having issues with CD X8. When I would start the program (same way I have done forever), it loads then a vba message appears. Disable vba, except vba, info.

I have tried disabling, excepting many times and still get the same gray screen appearing .

I is a gray screen with Visual Basics for Applications across the top. If I click anywhere on the screen corel locks up and I have to use the task manager to close. I have had many issues with CD 8 but this is the latest and I can't seem to find any information on how to fix or work around.

I really have to watch how I work in Corel now as it seems to lock out for no apparent reason.


Thank you in advance for any information.

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  • try continuously hitting esc when launching. If you can get it to run at this point I 'd take a look at what's going on in the Visual Basic for Applications. Could be some code got inadvertently placed in somewhere that's set to run at startup. Open the Macro Manager Docker under Tools/Macros. MIght be difficult to find but check under each macros "This Macro Storage". Right click and choose edit.

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