Help trace text

Hi this is driving me crazy, I’m trying to laser cut some name necklaces on my fibre laser. I do the names in coreldraw, convert to curves, change the nib size to 0.5mm so the letters are nice and thick, move all the letters together so there’s no gaps then combine. The issue is I need a traced outline of the name without it going any thinner or anything so that I can save it as an svg file and transfer To the laser as a cutting line. I know it can be done as someone traced the one below for me on Fiverr but I have loads to do and can’t keep paying for every different name.

here’s a pic of what I needd

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  • From your text, it sound as though you tried to attach a picture - but I don't see anything.

    It might help if you could show an example showing:

    1. Original text.
    2. How it looks after increasing outline width and moving letters closer together.
    3. The final result you want from that, i.e., the cutting line.

    There may be another approach - not using Trace, but perhaps using some of CorelDRAW's vector tools - to get to where you want to go.
