Decostudio 1.5 and 2.0 bug

Hi All

Have any other users notified the fact that both Decostudio 1.5 and the just released 2.0 do not include a tie down stitch on applicique components that are broken apart? If you create a shape in graphics mode, tag as applique and convert. If you sew this grouped then the layout stitching has a tie down, but if you break apart the applique into the 3 individual components then the running layout stitch loses its tie down and will unravel. Hence, you cannot use components individually.

Anyone else noticed this? Raised with Wilcom but no idea of time to resolve.





  • Can't say I have noticed this.

    But, I don't do appliques very often.

    May be a silly question, but, why would you want to break it apart?

    • Hi Stephen

      Thanks for the reply.

      I break it apart when I want to use only the initial layout run stitch. This produces a single line of stitches which are useful for when layout only is required and then you can use the graphical contour method to produce an inner line of stitches and again tag applique and break-apart in order to produce another inner line for when you do not want to use satin to sew down and only run to allow fraying etc. It is quicker than having to produce inner lines using run stitch in embroidery mode (if it worked). However it doesn't, and therefore anyone using breakapart applique are sewing run stitches which are not tied down. Pretty fundamental for embroidery software I would have thought.

      Hope that makes sense.


      • in Wilcom it allows you to setup a tie off (insert a lock stitch), as well as trim options.

        I set mine to always tie off last, I think default is off (don't know why)

        Try it and see if that makes a difference.

        i use Embroidery Studio, but I assume the options in the embroidery part would be the same as DecoStudio

        • Hi Stephen

          Thanks for the reply, but I think you are using a different version of Decostudio. 1.5 does not have that capability. Which version are you using. Is it 2.0 or are you using embroidery studio?

          My object properties does not give me these options.



          • Sorry Stephen. I did not see all of the details on software etc. Unfortunately, Decostudio does not have that capability, but thanks for looking.




            • I found a copy of the Deco Studio manual online, while the number of options may be less than my Embroidery Studio, it says you can modify trim options so it places a trim in automatically.

              So a search of the manual may provide the answer you are after.

              Sorry I can't remember page number at the moment.

              If I find it I will post.


              • Thanks Stephen.

                I have not seen it, but will check.
