Help Me!

 I'm Ngu frm Viet Nam, I'm a new designer. who can help me to find document about Corel special mesh fill tool!

My English is not good! help me please!

thank alot!

  • Hi Ngu,

    In this forum you have great Mesh fill illustrators.
    Read this thread at this forum: (Copy & paste this link into your browser)

    If you have the latest CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4, then there is a black book, with a tutorial by Ariel, on how to work with mesh fill. It looks like this, and can be bought from Corel, if you dont have the X4 version. (Copy & paste this link into your browser)

    You can also look in the "Help" menu from within CorelDRAW itself.
    You can also see this little video at Youtube, made by Mo. (Copy & paste this link into your browser)

    More people will probably come up with more tips.