Photo-Paint 12, Brush Tool not working


The brush tool is no longer working - when I select on any of the brush tools, spray, Art burhs, spray , line, marker etc, they will not work. When I select the drop down nothing is listed. Additionally, none of the other tools in the box, Effect Tool, Image Sprayer too ect, do not work aswell.


Did I select something to turn off the tool?

I've tried to uninstall and re-install and that did not work.

Any suggestions??




Mark A


    Hi Mark,

    Are you doing a Full Uninstall or are you repairing it? It can make a night and day difference in my experience. Also, after the uninstall, I would go back and manually delete any files/folders that might have been left behind (ie. Program Files\Corel; Documents and Settings\Application Data\......). Then I (personaly) would reboot befor I reinstalled it. Not such what more to suggest aside from running a reg scanner to clean up any left behind reg keys. Hope that helps some. =)





  • Hey guys just found the solution once you encounter this problem again.

    Please follow these steps:

    1. strike paint command, press P

    2. go to windows tab

    3. go to dockers

    4.then brush settings

    5. once the brush setting windows appears, you will notice a small arrow on the top right of the window

    6. strike the "reset brush type"

    7. Finish then try the paint brush i hope it will works couse it works on me!!!!

    • Penzlake21

       Thank you so much for your input, suggestion, correction, HELP!

      It worked!!!

      it truely made my day!!




      • I had the same problem which was not resolved until I removed Corel Draw 12 USING THE PROGRAM DISK and ticking off "remove user files" and then re-installing it.

        Removing the program using Windows did not remove the personal settings files associated

        • Grandly Thank  penzlake2.


          Zahid Farid

          • thanks for that info, what a bug, I had it in CorelPhotopaint 11, I noticed even the clone tool was not drawing, just kind of going through the motions so to speak!


            (poor guys who had tried to un-install and re-install, oh well, live and learn!)

            • penzlake21 said:

              Hey guys just found the solution once you encounter this problem again.

              Please follow these steps:

              1. strike paint command, press P

              2. go to windows tab

              3. go to dockers

              4.then brush settings

              5. once the brush setting windows appears, you will notice a small arrow on the top right of the window

              6. strike the "reset brush type"

              7. Finish then try the paint brush i hope it will works couse it works on me!!!!

              Thanks for this penzlake21, your 4 year old post saved my sanity today, that's for sure, with a deadline looming and the Paintbrush suddenly not working! Happy Christmas 2013 - I will eat a mince pie in your honour. Smile




            • Hey guys just found the solution once you encounter this problem again.

              Please follow these steps:

              1. strike paint command, press P

              2. go to windows tab

              3. go to dockers

              4.then brush settings

              5. once the brush setting windows appears, you will notice a small arrow on the top right of the window

              6. strike the "reset brush type"

              7. Finish then try the paint brush i hope it will works couse it works on me!!!!


              Zahid Farid

              • Zahid Farid, THANK YOU for the information about resetting the brush tools! It has been baffling me for over a year.

                I have a similar problem with the "Interactive object transparency, Interactive drop shadow, color transparency, and object transparency brush"  set of tools.

                I thought I'd try to reset these as well, but I can't figure out how to do it? I don't know the docker name for this set of tools.

                Can you help me too?

                I see this discussion originally tool place in 2010, so I hope you're still around. Ha!



                • You are awesome mate, done it for me!! 

                  THANKS HEAPS

                  • thank you from the past Zahid this just helped us sort out the clone tool problem

                    Till now I had reset to defaults by using F8 on starting the program, but this no longer works, the program just does't start … the bush setting fixed the paint/clone problem though Thanks again.