I have been using Corel Draw 12 Graphics suite for many years but find that It no longer works now that I have updated my OS to windows 10. I found that it had everything that I needed and I would be happy to carry on using it (if I could).
Is there a fix? I’ve tried the compatibility option but no joy there.
Hope someone can help
I've tried several different ways to get CD12 to work right in Win10 but none of them were successful. CD12 would just quit without warning sooner or later after opening a CDR.
I gave up and installed CD12 on a computer that has a Vista OS and now work without a problem.
TBH CorelDraw12 is flaky in Windows 7. I keep CorelTrace12 for its ability to deal with large size bitmaps so I am resolved to have to run XP and Win 7 in Hyper-V when I get to upgrade this old PC.CorelTrace v12 is very good indeed for what I use it for, outline of monochrome bitmaps. Accurate and fast.
Yeah, I think that Vista was the last OS that CD version 12 worked with flawlessly.
Now, if I can just keep my Vista system running...