multiple master page / multiple master layers for different pages

Hi all

i hav 20 pages in my file and all odd pages hav logos on right side and all even page hav logo on left.

Is there a option in corel X4 where we can create Multiple master page/ Multiple master layer and can apply the same on different pages as required .

Kindly help.





  • Hi zameersham

    Indeed there is a solution for this in DRAW. If you are clear with the concepts of layers then just open the objects Manager Docker and you will find the solution yourself.

    To open the object manager dockers : Window > Dockers > Object Manager. Get back with any further queries you have. Best of luck.

    Zamir said:
    Is there a option in corel X4 where we can create Multiple master page/ Multiple master layer and can apply the same on different pages as required .

    • Hi

      i had check the Layers, Master layers & Master page in the oject Manager docker. but still didnt find the solution.

      i had create two master layer - 1st master layer - on which X logo is on right side
                                                              2nd master layer - on which Y logo is on left side

      and both the logos appeared on all the pages( which is not my requirement).

      i dont know how to apply master layer on a particular pages only.

      can i apply
      master layer 1  to even pages
      & master layer 2 on odd pages

      if u think i fail to understand oject Manager docker/ the use of layers
      could u please provide me the link where i can clear my understanding of use of Layers, Master layers & Master page


      Thank & Regards
      S zamir

      • Here are some steps you could follow

        1 Create one master layer for RH Page and one for LH page

        2 Place the objects on respective Master layers. (This will start showing the objects on all pages)

        3 Go to the page where you need to hide the master layer and open Layer Manager from the object docker and mark the master layer as non Printable and non Visible.

        See the layer manager image attached.


        • Hi

          GREAT & THANKS A LOT

          It works

          Many Many Many thanks once again

          the attached image is an added help.




          • Anand, your solution is right.

            Zamir, if you have too many pages you must try Brain Davies Layers for X4 macro. Its cool and free.

            • Hi!

              Since I have the same problem, I'm placing my question here. If I may ;)

              I would like more information on the free to install it and where to place it in my folders.

              2e question

              If I want to send this 20 page document to pdf for publishing, how will the master layers know

              what goes on the left and right side.

              • Macros may come with a selfextracting (.EXE) file which will automatically place the files on its locations. However, .GMS is the format for macros in CorelDRAW. The image shows the location of the .GMS files. If you have a .GMS file then you need to place it here.

                Ottawa said:
                I would like more information on the free to install it and where to place it in my folders.

                It is you who has to do it in the application. You will have to create the right and left master layers and place the desired objects on the respective layers/pages.

                Ottawa said:
                If I want to send this 20 page document to pdf for publishing, how will the master layers know what goes on the left and right side.