Question 1: After i have converted the text into curve and had save it. Is it possible for me to undo the curve in the future when i want to edit the file?
Question 2: If a pdf file's text has already converted into curve, is there any way to convert it back to the original text without curve?
If you want the original text remains editable, then you should save two separate copy - one with the original text, one with the curved text.
No. If you want the original text remains editable, then you should save two separate copy - one with the original text, one with the curved text. http://community.coreldraw.com/forums/p/8332/32443.aspx#32443
Ah...lesson learnt...
Thanks Paul !
If You have luck, we may open a backup copy of file with converted to curves text. But it's to late for this, i thing.
I prefere to all of my students time to time make serial copyes with names like filename1, filname2, filname3 atc. Or filenameYYYYMMDDHHmmss - YYYY is for year, MM is for Month, DD is for DAY, HH - hour, mm - minute, ss - second
I Have my created macro to save copy of active file and give him name like YYYYMMDDHHmmss. Saving of copy of active document is difrent fom Save as. If use Save as command the name of active document must be changed. If save copy original name remain.