Inserting jpg images as OLE objects

I want to insert images created elsewhere into CorelDraw using OLE so that when the image is updated, the Corel file will also update - sounds pretty simple right.

So I go: Object>Insert>Object, Create from File, uncheck "Display as Icon", browse and select the jpeg image file, but Corel just inserts an icon of the file, not the actual image. 

I've tried inserting jpeg, png, pdf file types but I get the same problem - just a file icon on screen.

But when I insert a Microsoft Word doc, it works - I get the actual document on screen. So I don't understand why Corel will import a doc but cannot accept a simple jpg, png, pdf as a linked file.

I have been using CorelDraw since V3 and never been able to get OLE to work for images.

Please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong!

PS I asked this question here 9 years ago but did not get a solution so hoping there is one out there now.

  • CorelDRAW has a way to import images as linked files.

    After doing that, the Links and Bookmarks docker can be used to work with those linked images (e.g., to update a linked image, or to break the link).

    Instead of using that drop-down from the Import dialog, you can also insert a linked image from the Links and Bookmarks docker.

    I do not have much personal experience with using this capability in CorelDRAW, so I can't attest to any pros or cons of handling things in this way.

    • thank you thank you thank you - this works!

      I have never known about using the import drop down menu before, but the imported images behave exactly as expected and requried.

      By the way I did have trouble finding the Links & Bookmarks docker. In CorelDraw2020 there is a Links & Rollovers docker but the link manager is in a docker called Sources. Here you can refresh the link when it needs updating.

      • By the way I did have trouble finding the Links & Bookmarks docker. In CorelDraw2020 there is a Links & Rollovers docker but the link manager is in a docker called Sources.

        You are correct. That's something that changed starting with CorelDRAW 2019.

        2018 still had a Links and Bookmarks docker.

        • as David has warned, beware. The principal problem is if you print the file or publish to PDF the images become embedded, balloning the file and there's no way to undo that. Malke sure you save before printing and then revert afterwards.

          • I have printed my file to pdf and it still works as expected. The images remain linked. 

            The file size is large but I expect it to be as I have a lot of images. I'm not sure I am experiencing the problems you mention yet.

        • Be warned CorelDRAW linking is severely broken.