Transparent Distressed Graphics

Hi there,

I'm wanting to create graphics with a distressed layer (effect) over the image, but I do not want this to be in color, I want it to be a transparent (knockout) of the shirt coming through. For example, cracks or waves through a design, but not filled with a color. If someone can explain the process of making it transparent, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to all of those who respond.

Edited to include this necessary information which I forgot to include:

I am using a DTG printer (DTG Kiosk w/ white ink) with the ability to print white ink on colored shirts. I also have plugged Advanced Artist's Distressed Generator into my Corel Draw X3 to use for all of my distress filters. Would you happen to know how to make these filters as a transparent knockout? If I change any of the filters (fill or outline) to white, and I print on a colored shirt, the underbase will pick up the white and print a white layer, which is not what I am wanting. Also, if there is a way to make the filter transparent, would it still be editable in the design?