Anybody know if this color management document has been updated?

This document seems to have some great details in it on managing color, it was written for the X5 engine in CorelDraw (although a lot of the general color management info is non-application specific). I can't seem to find anything else like this as it relates to Corel's product line. Anybody seen an updated version of this document? 


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  • There is no updated version that I know of. With that said color management is a mature technology and the color engine and facilities in 2020 are identical except that they've moved the dialogs around. In 2019 there was a labeling error on the main default dialog. As fas as Corel products Draw Graphics Suite is the only Corel application that I know of that utilizes a professional level document color managrment process . PaintShop Pro uses an application based color management process.

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